about us

Creative and Modern
Cabinet Makers

Elevate Joinery is a Melbourne-based business with a team of passionate tradesmen committed to delivery high-quality products and services.


elevate joinery office

Office and Factory

Our office is here to help you when designing and viewing samples / finishes for your project. We have a huge range of materials and swatches to mix and match ideas for designing your space. Our factory and team of highly skilled tradesmen manufacture, deliver, and install all of our exceptional custom-made joinery. Give us a call to book an appointment to sit with one of the staff and discuss your next project.

“We Take Pride In Our Work And Are Dedicated To Keeping Every One Of Our Clients Satisfied.”

Precision Machinery

We invest in machines that allow us to produce work to the highest quality. This allows us to have full control over everything we produce in our factory.

Top Brand Suppliers

Kitchen with pantry on left side

Visit Us Now

Our experienced team will be happy to discuss your project and answer any questions you may have.